
Well hello there,
Below is a collecting of documentaries or philosophical videos that i find interesting.

1.) Black in Latin America: Haiti and Dominican Republic
I found this documentaries to be quite interesting. The colorism issue between the two neighboring countries is intense. Did you know Haiti was on it's way to being one of the richest Latin American countries before the U.S stepped in? Did you know that they have extremely strong ties to traditional african cultures? I truely enjoyed watching this and learned so much from it. I hope you do as well.

2.) Black in Latin America: Brazil
The Capital of Colorism= Brazil. Yep i said it. Bet you always thought this country was a country that embraced and celebrated the different mixtures of people and cultures didn't ya? Well on the surface yes, but when you dig in closer, you realize how complex the skin color issues are in Brazil. Fascinating watch. Enjoy!

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