Monday, November 22, 2010

The story of Black women's hair and the Revolution that i see happening

More and more i am seeing black women chop of their relaxed hair and REPRESENT the hair God gave them. Now i'm not in any way bashing or demeaning my sisters with relaxed hair (the hair wars are stupid), i'm just loving that natural hair is becoming more accepted and mainstream. The night of my high school graduation, i chopped off All my there was no strand of hair on my head. When i started University there was only about 3 black girls on campus that rocked their natural hair, today about 20% of gals on campus are rocking natural hair and i am sooooo loving it. When i first went natural there was no youtube help, natural blog/vlog or any of these awesome tools that are around today, my only source of education was (photosharing site) and hair forum)
Five years and six months natural and i can say with no doubt that a relaxer will NEVER touch my head again.

Have a blessed day. Chizzy D


NakedSha said...

Five years? awesome! But I'd like to see a pic :)))

yey natural-ites!

BB said...

yeah pics please chizzy lol. This is so true but can't take the natural nazi's

Chizzy D said...

@nakedsha...i have loose natural until about 1 yr and 4 months ago. Now i rock locs :)

Chizzy D said...

@kimvan...i really like your my "about me" i kinda scared of the internet, maybe one day i will get off my fears..

Janelle said...

Congrats again!! BTW, I just posted in response to your question about dark spots! Check it out at

Anonymous said...

That is awesome! makes one look younger sef.

Anonymous said...
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Chizzy D said...

@nitty...most of the time, when i did it, it made me look older, but i was pretty young when i did it.

Gospel Girl said...

Good on you gal for going "au la natural"
I love fros as well...and I've had natural hair for the last three years. I love it! It's great but I have to admit it's hard work at times and occassionally I have to hide it in braids or

Enyonam said...

I just love this Chizzy. I have had my hair natural for nearly nine years now. Initially when I did, alot of people who new me just couldn't get use to it but as time went on they learn to accpet it and I absolutely love my natural kinky African hair. Nothing could ever make go back relaxing my hair. It's sassy, chic and beautiful. It's easy to manage and just sooooo cool.

Thank you Chizzy for sharing this.

God bless you girl, and enjoy your new natural look!

Chizzy D said...

@gospel gal...that one of the reason i decided to lock my hair 1 yr and 4 months ago. Check this

I think we naturals are just started to see that there is a vast range of things we can do to our hair.

Chizzy D said...

@Enyonam....Nine yrs were natural when it really wasnt popular at all. How do you wear your hair?

Chizzy D said...

gospel gal..sorry here the link i was trying to give you above

Enyonam said...

@Chizzy yes nine years it was a choice I had to make for my own sanity Lol. And I have never been one to follow the crowd or what is trendy anyway. I actually keep it very short because I have never had long hair anyway. Even when my hair was permed, I always kept it very short. Until a few months ago I use to keep it bald and sometimes just very low. But I have decided to grow it long now since I am turning 40 in less than three months to be precise in February.

I am looking forward to seeing how long it will grow and how long it will take since I have never had long hair. One of the things God is been teaching me is having Patience and being Tolerate these two were never my virtue. However, it has been an amazing journey and one I wouldn't trade for anything else.

Love you my sister, God bless you.


Chizzy D said...

thank you for sharing...i am excited about your hair journey, take many pics cause sometimes you will think that its not growing and nothing is happening, but then you look through pics you will be amazed. Like myself, when i loced my hair, i thought after one yr that there was no change, ppl kept telling me that my hair was growing but i didnt believe them, i looked through pics recently and was surprised when i realized that my hair had practically doubled in

one of these day i plan on doing a post on all the tools that i know(and i know many) that help ppl with natural hair.

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